News from Authors: Dear students and teachers, Now the blog is full on and all are welcome to present their article in this blog related to neurobiology. please provide your valuable feedback on this. With regards Biosaints


1.       Akihiro Harada, J. T. (2002 ). MAP2 is required for dendrite elongation, PKA anchoring in dendrites, and proper PKA signal transduction. Journal of cell biology , 541-549 .

2.       Arimura, N., & Kaibuchi, K. (2005). Key Regulators in Neuronal Polarity. Neuron , 881-884.

3.       Arimura, N., & Kaibuchi, K. (2007). Neuronal polarity: from extracellular signals to intracellular mechanisms. Nature reviews: Neuroscience , 194-205.

4.       Barnes, A. P., Solecki, D., & Polleux, F. (2008). New insights into the molecular mechanisms specifying neuronal polarity in vivo. Current Opinion in Neurobiology , 44–52.

5.       Dent, E. W., & Gertler, F. B. (2003). Cytoskeletal Dynamics and Transport in Growth Cone Motility. Neuron , 209–227.

6.       Dent, E. W., Tang, F., & Kalil, K. (2003). Axon Guidance by Growth Cones and Branches: Common Cytoskeletal and Signaling Mechanisms. The Neuroscientist , 343–353.

7.       Insolera, R., Chen, S., & Shi, S. H. (2010). Par Proteins and Neuronal Polarity. Developmental Neurobiology , 483-494.

8.       L. P. (2000). Tau Protein Function in Axonal Formation. Neurochemical Research , 37–42.

9.       Liu CW, L. G. (1999;). Tau is required for neurite outgrowth and growth cone motility of chick sensory neurons. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton , 232-242.

10.   Rasband, M. N. (2010). The axon initial segment and the maintenance of neuronal polarity. Nature neuroscience reviews , 552-562.

11.   Solecki, D. J., Govek, E.-E., Tomoda, T., & Hatten, M. E. (2006). Neuronal polarity in CNS development. Genes & Development , 2639-2647.

12.   Tahirovic, S., & Bradke, F. (2009). Neuronal Polarity. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biology , 1-18.